Supported Apps

Supported Apps On HDOR

Check out the list of supported and unsupported apps on the HDOR platform. Do note that automatic import of your run/ride or steps data is currently only available with select apps from below. For rest of the apps, the activity data needs to be manually submitted for each activity.

For general data submission guidelines, please refer to this article.

Supported Apps


This is our app of choice for submitting activity data to HDOR. You can also enable automatic import of your activity data by connecting your Strava account with your HDOR account using our connected apps feature.

Website | Android app | iOS app | Connect to HDOR

Garmin Connect

Garmin Connectâ„¢ is your one-stop source for health and fitness data. You can also enable automatic import of your activity & daily steps data by connecting your Garmin account with your HDOR account using our connected apps feature.

Website | Android app | iOS app | Setup export to Strava | Purchase | Connect to HDOR

Google Fit app

Get to a healthier and more active life with the new Google Fit! Fit will use your Android phone’s sensors or Wear OS by Google smartwatch’s heart rate sensors to record your speed, pace, route, and more. We also support automatic import of your activity & daily steps data to HDOR. Note: Google Fit on iOS cannot be used for recording activity data, but you can still sync data from other apps to Google Fit.

Website | Android app | iOS app | Connect to HDOR

MapMyRun | MayMyRide

Whether you’re just starting out on your fitness journey or a seasoned runner, you’ll find the features and tools needed to stay on track and motivated to hit your goals. We also support automatic import of your activity data to HDOR.

Website | Android app | iOS app | Setup export to Strava | Connect to HDOR

Fitbit Watch

Fitbit watch does not provide a direct way to share fitness activities to HDOR, but watch owners can sync their Fitbit activities to Strava, and hence to their HDOR account automatically, read this article for details. We also support automatic import of your daily steps data to HDOR.

Purchase a Fitbit watch | Setup export to Strava | Connect to HDOR


Reach your running goals with the ASICS Runkeeper™ app. Track exercise, set measurable goals and see progress along the way—whether you’re just getting into running, training for a race or trying to reach a new personal record.

Website | Android app | iOS app | Setup export to Strava

Apple Health App

For Apple watch owners, the Health app provides activity recording, which can be imported to Strava. Alternatively, you may install the Strava app on your Apple watch and use that directly. In either case, don’t forget to connect your HDOR account to your Strava account.

Purchase an Apple watch | Setup export to Strava

TomTom Sports

Track your fitness and find your motivation for a fitter life in the TomTom Sports app. View all your activities in one place, see your steps and fitness Trends through Daily Summaries, and reach your goals faster with motivational feedback, even without a TomTom Sports device.

Website | Android app | iOS app | Setup export to Strava

Can I Run Indoors? How?

Yes, indoor or treadmill running is supported with HDOR! Now you can run indoors whenever the outdoor conditions are not suitable, like rain, local Covid-19 related restrictions, or perhaps you just like your treadmill in the gym or home.

Indoor or Treadmill Run

You can run indoors for any HDOR event using any of the below:

  1. Using supported watch – many GPS/smartwatch like Garmin, Suunto, etc support indoor distance tracking. Key requirement is that once activity is recorded on your watch, it must sync that data to one of the supported apps listed in previous section. So, run using watch – data syncs to supported app – data syncs next to HDOR.
  2. Using Android phone – use the Google Fit app on your android phone to record your indoor runs. Make sure you have setup Google Fit to HDOR sync.
  3. Using Apple iPhone – install the MapMyRun app on your iOS device and record your indoor runs using that. Make sure you have setup MapMyRun to HDOR sync.

Note: Indoor runs will only be synced to HDOR if splits are available for the run in the app on which your indoor run was recorded.

Are more apps supported?

Short answer - Yes. You can submit data using any activity tracking app as long as it meets the following requirements:

  1. It can show time
  2. It can show distance
  3. It can show pace & splits
  4. Activity data is public, i.e. visible to other users of the app.
  5. It has an activity link like
    which anyone can click and verify the activity stats.

Some other apps which participants have used to submit their activity data on HDOR are Sports Tracker, MapMyWalk, SmashRun, Fitso, etc. You can submit data using any activity tracking app as long as it meets the above requirements.

Apps not supported

Any app which cannot produce a valid public activity link as described in the previous section is not acceptable for data submission on HDOR. Some examples of such apps are Nike Run Club and Runtastic. You can share images of your activity using these apps (something not accepted in HDOR), but these apps do not have any public activity link.

How can my app activity be imported if I don't use Strava or Garmin

The good news is that Strava is now a very popular platform which allows your activity data to be synced from other apps and devices. Our recommendation is that even if you do not directly use Strava, just create a Strava account and enable data sync from the device or app you use to Strava (and connect your HDOR account to Strava). This will give you a seamless experience without the need to submit data everyday.

So, whether you use Garmin watch, Apple watch, some of the Huawei GPS watches, other Android Wear watches, etc, you may be able to get your data to Strava and hence to HDOR. Please read this article to find our if Strava supports data sync from your app or watch.

*Disclosure: this article may contain affiliate links.