Sponsors and Partners

Sponsors & Partners

Running Partner

Brooks caters to high performance men’s and women’s running shoes, clothing and accessories. Crafted with technology for comfort and efficiency, Brook’s motto to ensure a #RunHappy echoes in HDOR’s philosophy of bringing fitness to your doorstep!

Energy Partner

Fast&Up is one of the leading active nutrition brands spearheading the nutrition revolution with its effervescent range of products. Using innovative Swiss technology, Fast&Up caters to performance in sport, intelligent nutrition and dietary supplementation for an active lifestyle.

Partner Corporates

Aimil Ltd


Secure Meters Ltd

Ramdev Foods

Ramdev Foos

Want to associate with one of the fastest growing platforms in the virtual fitness space? We at HDOR are the the pioneers in organizing virtual running and cycling events in India, and one of the biggest virtual fitness challenge platforms in the world.

Over the last 6 years, HDOR platform has seen 50,000 participants from 68 countries take part in our various challenges, Our flagship running event, 100 Days of Running, had 11,500 participants in 2019. Tour De 100 is our flagship cycling event.

Please drop us an email at info@hdor.com to take this further.

Partner Groups