Triple Takedown Challenge



You have 30 DAYS to take down 30 unique STEPS, RUN or RIDE challenges. Can you do it?

Finish as many STEPS, RUN or RIDE challenges as possible out of the 30 challenges on offer (Daily steps from 1000 to 10000, runs from 3 Km to 50 Km, rides from 10 Km to 300 Km).

You can attempt any of those 30 challenges on any given day (but not more than 1 Run or 1 Step and 1 Ride challenge on a day). Find your name on our special point based Steps + Run + Ride leaderboard. Join Now!



Decide whether you want to take on only steps, run, ride or a mix of these challenges. Sign up!


You can do one steps/run and/or ride target distance every day. If both steps and run challenges are done on same day, only higher points one will be counted.


Submit your activity data on event website or app. We can also import your activity data automatically from supported apps!


As you takedown the target distances, you earn points and rank higher on the event leaderboard.


The Triple Takedown Challenge is a 30 days event.

On any day of the challenge, you can do any of steps, run, or ride challenges. Only one of steps or run challenge can be attempted on a day since only one of those activities will be counted (higher points achieved one). Similarly, you can attempt any ride challenge on any day. In summary, Steps, Run, Ride, Run+Ride, or Steps+Ride combinations can be done on any day. Steps+Run will not be counted (only higher points one of these two will be counted).

Your attempt will be mapped to the closest lower distance activity from the table below (for example, a 9 km run will be automatically mapped to the 8 km target distance).

#Steps ChallengeSteps Challenge Points#Run DistancesRun Challenge Points#Ride DistancesRide Challenge Points
130008113 Km102110 Km6
2400010125 Km152220 Km12
3500012138 Km202330 Km18
46000161410 Km302440 Km26
58000201512 Km402550 Km36
610000281615 Km502660 Km48
712500361718 Km652775 Km68
815000481821 Km852890 Km90
920000721925 Km11029100 Km110
10250001002030 Km15030125 Km150


To qualify as a finisher and earn you finisher medal, participants must meet ALL of the following requirements


Complete at least 3 unique challenges (steps, run or ride, any will do).

Example: 5000 Steps + 10 Km Run + 20 Km Ride


Complete at least 10 challenges (repeat attempts at same challenge are allowed).

Example 1: 5000 Steps (2 times) + 10 Km Run (2 times) + 15 Km Run (2 times) + 20 Km Ride (2 times) + 50 Km Ride (2 times)
Example 2: 3 Km Run (4 times) + 5 Km Run (4 times) + 8 Km Run (2 times).


Points earned as per your steps, run or ride will determine your position on the event leaderboard.

* 4 mileage points per 1000 steps or per km run, 1 mileage point per km ride
* Bonus pace points up to 50% of activity mileage points depending on pace for run/ride
* Leaderboard rank on basis of points

* Pace points to be awarded only on automatic data import from supported apps using elapsed time for run/ride activities, and not for any manual submissions

** Only those who opt for medal and meet finisher criteria will receive the finisher medal


  • days
  • hours
  • minutes
  • seconds


We are going to have a nice finisher medal to acknowledge your achievement (subject to your meeting the event finisher criteria).

* medal design is indicative and may be changed


You can download the official HDOR mobile app and view your event stats for your submitted activities.

Check your rank against other participants as well and view the podium place toppers in each event category.

You will also be able to view all the reports and leaderboards using your HDOR account on your laptop or computer.

HDOR app: iOS | Android


Being a virtual event, participants need to submit their activity details online using any of the multiple apps we support.

You can record and submit your activity using Strava, MapMyRun, Runkeeper, Garmin Connect, TomTom Sports, Fitbit or Apple Watch, in fact any other mobile app which supports sharing your activity data as a public GPS activity link.

We also support automatic activity data import from Strava, Garmin Connect & MapMyRun. For steps data, you must use any of Garmin Connect, Google Fit or Fitbit apps. If you use any other mobile app or device which can export app data to your Strava account, manual data submit is not required.


Scale new heights in 2021 with the Triple Takedown Challenge. Sign Up now!

Entry Only

Rs 249 / US$ 5
  • Entry into the event

  • Website and ???? mobile app tracking

  • Access to ???? leaderboard and reports

  • Automatic ???? data import from supported apps

  • Finisher ???? certificate

  • .

  • .

  • .

Entry + Medal

Rs 449 / US$ 29
  • Entry into the event

  • Website and ???? mobile app tracking

  • Access to ???? leaderboard and reports

  • Automatic ???? data import from supported apps

  • Finisher ???? certificate

  • Finisher ???? medal

  • Free global shipping for medal

  • .

* All prices are inclusive of all applicable taxes and processing charges.
* All participants of 100 Days of Running 2021 get an automatic discount of ₹ 150 on all tickets.
# GST No. 07AADCG9813F1ZM and CIN No U72200DL2010PTC207844


Registrations closeJun 19th
Event windowJun 19th – Jul 18th
Last activity data submissionJul 20th
Final results publishedJul 22nd
Finisher certificate available for downloadJul 22nd
Finisher medal dispatch completeAug 15th


Have any questions in mind about this event? Check out our Rules and FAQ below.

General FAQ

I have made payment, what next?

Please visit our new users section on the website which guides participants in a step by step manner on account creation, event confirmation, connecting apps to your HDOR account, data submission, and other useful information.

When do registrations end?

Registrations will close on June 30th.

What is the age eligibility for the event?

Participants must be at least 13 years of age as of event start date, i.e. Jun 19th, 2021. Parents undertaking is necessary for children under 14 years.

There is no upper age limit for taking part in the event.

How do I login to my account?

Participants who have do not have any pre-existing HDOR accounts need to create one first. Past HDOR participants can re-use their pre-existing accounts to login. In case you have forgot your password, use the forgot password feature on the login page to generate a new one.

How do I qualify for the finishers medal?

Please refer to the section above: How to qualify as a finisher? Only those who have opted for the medal during registration will be eligible.

On what basis are event finishers ranked?

Finishers are ranked on the basis of points earned per activity. For details please refer to the section: How to qualify as a finisher.

Can my activity be disqualified?

Event organizers can reject any entry which has suspect data (unrealistic run or ride pace or taking any external help using cycle for run or powered vehicles for rides, etc.)

What are the event age categories?

Following are the age categories for the event:

  • 13 years to 18 years
  • 19 years to 29 years
  • 30 years to 39 years
  • 40 years to 44 years
  • 40 years to 49 years
  • 50 years to 59 years
  • 60 years to 69 years
  • 70 years and above

Participant age as on event start date, i.e. June 19th, 2021, will be considered for above categories.

When will I receive the finishers medal?

Please refer to the Timelines section on this page for same.

Can I request registration cancellation and refund?

Please refund to our refund and cancellation policy here.

Data Submission FAQ

Do I need to use a mobile app or GPS watch to participate?

Using a mobile running app or GPS watch is mandatory

You may submit your daily run data distance and time by entering that information on the HDOR website or mobile app or setup automatic data import for supported apps.

Which mobile apps can I use to submit proof of my activity?

Please see the list of supported apps here.

Is there an HDOR mobile app for my mobile phone?

Yes, we have Android and iOS (iPhone users) mobile apps for HDOR. You can download it as below:

iOS | Android

You can use the HDOR app to (1) Submit activity data (2) Check event leaderboards and reports (3) See your run logs

How do I record and submit my activity data?

Please refer to the HDOR data submission guidelines page for details.

Can I run/ride indoor or on a treadmill?

Treadmill runs: Treadmill or indoor runs recorded using GPS watches using indoor or treadmill mode, and for which you have a public activity link which shows distance, time, pace, and splits will be acceptable for submission.

However, if you do treadmill running without such data proof, you can still manually submit your daily run data, subject to a maximum distance of 5 Km for a day.

Indoor rides which are recorded using indoor bike trainers will also be acceptable as long as the data is available on supported apps.

Can I submit data for past dates?

Older date data submissions are allowed for up to 10 days in the past, including the date of run. Example, Jun 15th run data may be submitted latest by Jun 24th. Data submission beyond these prescribed time limits will not be accepted. It is participant’s responsibility to ensure timely submissions.

The last date for submitting all entries after the event is over is Aug 10th. No submissions will be accepted beyond that.

Similarly, in case of any Strava import issues, the participant is required to bring it to the attention of the support team within the required submission timeframe as above.

How do I connect my account to Strava for automatic import?

On your mobile or computer browser head to our website and access the Menu >> Settings >> Connected Apps section to connect your HDOR account to Strava

On your mobile app, visit the Menu >> Connected Apps section to connect your HDOR account to Strava

For step by step process to connect your HDOR account to your Strava account so that all your run/walks are automatically imported, check out the help video on our help and support page.

When will my Strava activity data be imported?

Your run will be available on our website within an hour of your run data submission or post availability in your Strava account if you have connected your HDOR account to Strava.

If your run data is not available in your account within one hour, please submit the activity link and run data manually via app or website, and contact our support team at

Can I do multiple activities a day?

You can do a maximum of one event goal run or steps activity and one event ride activity in a day.

What is the minimum distance I can submit?

For any submission, the distance submitted must be equal to or just greater than the target goal distance you have selected from the event distance list.


As part of HDOR Fitness platform, we have many interesting events you can participate in from our Virtual Run Series and our Fitness Challenges