ISC- Run up to Hill Run 2021

Indore Superchargers - Run Up To Hill-2021

Register for the ISC- Run Up To Hill Run – 2021 and You can, Run from Anywhere.

The Run Period is from 8th Mar to 25th April 2021.
Register anytime and start participating in the 45 day hill training /running programme. You will get access to exclusive tips and guidance from our coaches and experts who will guide you on how to incorporate HILL TRAINING in your training schedule. !!.

What's there for the participants

Along the way as you start practicing, there will be a Live, Interactive Webinar on the same topic where you will have the Opportunity to directly interact with OUR Senior Coaches, Experts, and Runners who will enlighten you on the subject and satisfy all your doubts and queries. Our Coaches will give you a weekly guideline about Hill Training Progression and necessary strength training. It’s desirable that you follow these diligently to reap the maximum benefits.

Our uniquely designed Leader board will give you access to know how you are progressing in your training and how you fare as compared to your peers.

All this and a specially designed MEDAL delivered to you for your successful completion of the RUN UP TO HILL RUN.

The fun does not stop here- You get Direct entry to our MUCH AWAITED HILL RUN EVENT scheduled to be held on 25 APRIL 2021. The details will be out Shortly.

If you choose to make the event memorable in your workouts, you can choose to order a SPECIALLY DESIGNED TECHNICAL FABRIC TSHIRT at the time of registration. However, due to the current COVID-19 situation, the T shirt will be available only if you can take delivery at INDORE.

so join today ….

Leaderboard Categories

  • Below 18 years – Juniors
  • 18 to 30 years – Youth
  • 30 to 40 years – Open
  • 40 to 50 years – Veteran
  • 50 to 60 years – Senior
  • 60 to 70 years – Super Senior
  • Above 70 years – Champions

Leaderboard & Reports

Once you have registered for the event, you will be able to download the official HDOR app (iOS | Android) and view your event stats for your submitted activities.

Check your rank against other participants as well as check out the podium place finishers in each event category.

You will also be able to view all the reports and leaderboards using your HDOR login account on your laptop or computer.

Use Your Favorite Apps

Being a virtual event, participants need to submit their activity details online using any of the multiple apps we support. See supported apps list here.

You can record and submit your activity using Strava, MapMyRun, Runkeeper, Garmin Connect, TomTom Sports, Fitbit or Apple Watch, in fact any other mobile app which supports sharing your activity data as a public GPS activity link.

We also support automatic data import from Strava. If you use any other mobile app or device which can export app data to your Strava account, manual data submit is not required.

Rules & Regulations:

  • In case of any accident, local authorities resistance, the organizers do not take up any responsibility.
  • Registration fees are non-refundable.
  • Run details must be submitted to claim medals on the HDOR app or website
  • In case of any disputes, the decision taken by organizers will be considered final

How to submit your race results

  • If you are new to the HDOR virtual platform, Sign-up as a new user and complete your profile. You will receive an email confirmation. Follow the NEW USER section to understand how you can link your run/walk/ride tracking applications. Download the HDOR mobile app to report your walk/run/ride details, view and track your virtual events (iOS | Android)
  • If you are already a HDOR virtual platform user Sign in to your account
  • Complete the registration formalities – use the link given below. You will receive a receipt for the payment through your registered email address. On payment, you will be associated with the ISC – Run Up To Hill Run

Entry + Medal

₹200 / 45 Days
  • Entry into the event.

  • Website and mobile app tracking

  • Access to leaderboard and reports

  • Automatic data import from Strava and Garmin

  • ???? Finishers’ Medal

  • Entry to HILL RUN EVENT

  • Personalized finisher e-Certificate

Entry + Medal

₹350 / 45 Days
  • Entry into the event.

  • Website and mobile app tracking

  • Access to leaderboard and reports

  • Automatic data import from Strava and Garmin

  • ???? Finishers’ Medal

  • Sports T-shirt

  • Entry to HILL RUN EVENT

  • Personalized finisher e-Certificate

Important Timelines

Registrations close25th April 2021
Event participation window8th Mar to 25th April 2021
Last activity data submission26th Apr 2021
Final result published30th Apr 2021
Finisher certificate available for download30th Apr 2021
Race kit is dispatched completely to all participants1st June 2021

Rules & FAQs

Have any questions in mind about this event? Check out our Rules and FAQ below.

When do registrations end?

The registrations are open till HILL Run Event.

How do I login to my account?

Participants need to login to the HDOR website using their communicated login credentials.

No new accounts will be created for pre-existing HDOR participants, they can use their existing HDOR accounts for data submission if they registered for the using the same email credentials as their HDOR account.

What Duration can I Run and participate in the event?

The event will be live/active/valid ONLY till 25th April 2021 for full 24 HRs window. You can choose to complete your activity anytime in this 24 HR slot. i.e 8th March 2021 00:00 hrs till 25th April 23:59 hrs(IST)

How do I record and submit my activity data?

Data submission: You can submit your activity data directly on our website or HDOR app after logging in to your account with your credentials. You will need to submit your activity distance, time as well as an activity link.

Activity Link: Activity link is a URL or website link which has details of your recorded run activity, including date, time, distance, splits, pace, etc (see this for details). You can find and share or copy activity links from your run or ride mobile app or from the website for the app or GPS watch. You should ensure that all your activity links are public so that other event participants and event admin can view your activity data.

Mobile apps to use: For any data submission participants must run using a supported GPS running app (refer to supported apps article for details), or a GPS watch. Not all apps provide a public activity link and hence may not be used if that is the case.

Automatic activity data import: We support automatic import of your mobile app data if you have connected your HDOR account with your Strava account from the Connected Apps section on website. If you do not use Strava app, many apps, GPS watches and websites allow exporting recorded activity to Strava, something you can explore and consider if you do not want to manually submit each activity data.

Multiple activities in day: Are allowed, and each have to be submitted separately.

Combining GPS activities using tools: All submitted runs must be a single recorded GPS activity. Multiple activities are not allowed to be combined into one activity using online tools and then submitted.

Public race data submission: You can also submit link to your finish timing from any public organized races (like Mumbai Marathon, etc) which use timing chip and have your event results online on a unique page with a unique URL or link. You can submit this using the manual entry data submission process.

Two activities for one event: For a run to be considered towards 5 km, 10 km, half marathon and marathon etc events, it should be done in one go and recorded as a single activity. Example recording 7 km and 3 km as two different runs in the day will not count towards a 10 km run as part of the 10 km race.

Treadmill runs: Treadmill runs recorded using GPS watches or apps in indoor mode and for which you have a public activity link which shows distance, time, pace, and splits will be acceptable for submission.

Minimum age limit for participating?

The minimum age for participation is 12 years, there is no upper limit.

Can I run the race distance multiple times?

Participants are free to walk/run multiple times in the 24 hrs window. The system will pick up the longest distance Or the participant is free to select the entry they wish to submit. Please note only one activity can be considered in a day

When will my Strava activity data be imported?

Your activity will be available on our website within an hour of your activity data submission or post availability in your Strava/Garmin account if you have connected your HDOR account to Strava/Garmin.

If your run data is not available in your account within one hour, please submit the activity link and data manually via app or website.

How do I qualify as a finisher?

To qualify as a finisher, you are required to submit your activity data on our website (as per your race distance) from apps like Strava, Garmin Connect, Runkeeper, etc, or public link to your finish timing at any organized marathon race.

It is not necessary for you to take part in an organized race to submit your run data. A self-supported run which meets the above data submission criteria is enough.

Can my run be disqualified?

Event organizers can reject any entry which has suspect GPS data (straight line outside normal run route, unrealistic high pace like sub 3 min/km pace at any time during run, etc)

Event organizers have the right to take any decisions for disqualifying a participant if the participant is considered to have taken any external help in running the distance (like using a cycle or any other vehicle for a run), using a powered vehicle for rides or any external aid, or cheated in any way.

Where can I run?

3. Runners can run solo, Indoor or Outdoor as per the local Covid-19 norms.

What are the prizes for podium finishers?

There is no prize based on age category

Should I submit elapsed or moving time?

When submitting activity data for the event manually on our website or via the mobile app, you must submit the elapsed time data for your run. Moving time will not be considered.

When we import data from other apps like Strava or Garmin, we similarly consider elapsed time for participants finish time.

My name is not visible on the event leaderboard/reports, why?

So you completed your run or ride and submitted the activity details on website or app, but it is still not visible on the event reports page. This can happen when you did not complete your registration after making the payment. See this article to understand how to do that.

Refund Or cancellation policy?

No refunds or cancellations are allowed for this event.

When will the results be announced/ eCertificates be given?

3rd May, 2021

Who is organising this event?

This event is being organized by Indore Superchargers Health Welfare Society. For additional queries, write to

Our Other Popular Events

As part of HDOR Fitness platform, we have many interesting events you can participate in from our Virtual Run Series and our Fitness Challenges