HDOR Covid-19 Awareness Run/Ride

HDOR Covid-19 Awareness Run/Ride


HDOR Covid-19 Awareness Run on Mar 29th is cancelled. We will continue with the awareness drive part of the event via our social media channels, which continues to be the primary motivation, to spread Covid-19 awareness in the community.

The Covid-19 virus, a virus strain from the coronavirus family, is one of the biggest challenges faced by humanity in recent times. The number of affected people is growing by the day, and we must rise together in such challenging times to take action.

We at HDOR are organizing this awareness run/ride to spread information about what this virus is, how to keep ourselves safe, and how to avoid the spread of this virus. Being a virtual event, you can take part in this event on your own, avoid crowds, stay safe, and spread the message.

Event entry is FREE for participants.

How Do I Participate?

Choose your distance

Pick up one of the distances you want to run at this event: 3 km, 5 km, 10 km, or half marathon for runs and 10 km, 25 km, 50 km, or 100 km for rides.

Run/ride on March 29th

You can run/ride your selected distance anytime between 00:00 hours to 24:00 hours on Mar 29th. You can even run/ride multiple times to improve your timings.

Run/ride anywhere, anytime

Being a virtual event, you are free to run/ride where you want, when you want without being bound by any time restrictions. Avoid crowds though.

Submit your run/ride data

Submit your run/ride data on event website or app, compare your results with other participants. We can import your data automatically from Strava.!

Know More About Covid-19

What is Covid-19?

COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that has surged around the world in recent months.

Visit CDC website for more info

What is Coronavirus?

The coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more serious respiratory diseases. Flu is caused by a different virus. There is no vaccine for coronavirus, though researchers are working on one and hope to begin testing soon.

How does it spread?

Older people, especially those with chronic illnesses such as heart or lung disease, are most at risk. The coronavirus spreads mainly through coughs and sneezes, though it also can be transferred from surfaces.

How to prevent it?

The best way to prevent infection is by frequent hand-washing, cleaning surfaces with regular household sprays and wipes, and avoiding close contact with people who are sick.

Covid-19 Awareness Run Events

We have multiple events as part of the Covid-19 Awareness Run. Take your pick!

3K Run

Train easy, run fast! Best for beginners or for those with need for speed.

5K Run

Most popular race distance in the world! Great distance to race any given day.

10K Run

Requires both speed and endurance! Needs good training base to do well.

Half Marathon

A real test of your endurance! Follow proper training plan for your best.

10 KM Ride

Train easy, ride hard! Best for beginners or for those with need for speed.

25 KM Ride

Quite popular with beginners and enthusiasts! Great distance to ride any given day.

50 KM Ride

Requires both speed and endurance! Needs good training base to do well.

100 KM Ride

A real test of your endurance! Follow proper training plan for your best.

Important Info For Participants

Did your favorite race get cancelled? Something you trained for a long time, and it's no longer happening? Here is your opportunity to do something about it by taking part in this virtual run/ride and put all your training to good use, as well as create awareness about the Covid-19 virus, and making sure that it does not stop us from doing the fitness activities which we enjoy the most.

Remember, boosting your immunity levels is your strongest defense against such viruses. And running and cycling are two great ways to do that.

Run/Ride Guidelines

  • Run or ride at a comfortable pace and do not push yourself to the limits

  • Do the run or ride alone and absolutely avoid groups

  • Make sure to cough into your elbow if you get the urge

  • Try to run/ride outdoors if possible and not in constrained indoor spaces with others present

  • Running or riding indoors on your home treadmill/trainer is another option

Event Highlights

Register for HDOR Covid-19 Awareness Run/Ride and get the following benefits.

  • Automatic run data import using Strava and other apps
  • Freedom to choose your run place and time
  • Leaderboard which shows your rank in your group, city, organization, country
  • Mobile app access for event info and reports
  • Digital finisher certificate showcasing your achievement
  • 100% green event

Sign Up

Carbon Neutral Event

Participants not traveling to a venue to run/ride. No paper certificates. No finisher medal. This will be a 100% green event with zero carbon footprint.

Leaderboard & Reports

Once you have registered for the event, you will be able to download the official HDOR app from the Google Play Store and view your event stats for your submitted runs.

Check your rank against other participants as well as check out the podium place finishers in each run category.

You will also be able to view all the reports and leaderboards using your HDOR login account on your laptop or computer.

Use Your Favorite Apps

Being a virtual run, participants need to submit their run details online using any of the multiple apps we support.

You can record and submit your run using Strava, Endomondo, MapMyRun, Runkeeper, Garmin Connect, TomTom Sports, Fitbit or Apple Watch, in fact any other mobile app which supports sharing your run data as a public GPS activity link.

We also support automatic data import from Strava. If you use any other mobile app or device which can export app data to your Strava account, manual data submit is not required.

Register for Covid-19 Awareness Run/Ride

Run/ride to spread awareness about Covid-19 virus. Sign Up now!

Event Entry

  • Entry into the event

  • Website and mobile app tracking

  • Access to leaderboard and reports

  • Automatic data import from Strava

  • Personalized finisher certificate

Rules & FAQs

Have any questions in mind about this event? Check out our Rules and FAQ below.

When do registrations end?

Event registrations end on Mar 29th, 2020 at 5:00 pm IST.

Can I register for multiple distances?

Yes, participants may register for a single distance event or multiple events. For example a participant may register for 5 km run and a 50 km ride.

How do I login to my account?

Participants need to login to the HDOR website using their communicated login credentials.

No new accounts will be created for pre-existing HDOR participants, they can use their existing HDOR accounts for data submission if they registered for the using the same email credentials as their HDOR account.

When can I run/ride for the event?

The event takes place on Sunday, Mar 29th, 2020. Participants may run/ride anytime on the event day as per their convenience, and at any location of their choice.

How do I record and submit my run/ride data?

Data submission: You can submit your run/ride data directly on our website or HDOR app after logging in to your account with your credentials. You will need to submit your run/ride distance, time as well as an activity link if the run distance exceeds 3 km.

Activity Link: Activity link is a URL or website link which has details of your recorded run activity, including date, time, distance, splits, pace, etc (see this for details). You can find and share or copy activity links from your running/ride app or from the website for the app or GPS watch. You should ensure that all your activity links are public so that other event participants and event admin can view your activity data.

Manual entries: Actitivies without any data proof, not recorded using any mobile app or GPS device may only be submitted for our Challenge Series events, subject to a maximum distance of 3 km for a day. This can be done using our website or app after logging in. No manual entry will be considered for any Virtual Run/Ride Series events.

Running/ride apps to use: For any data submission for distance exceeding 3 km, participants must run using a supported GPS running app (refer to supported apps article for details), or a GPS watch. Not all running/ride apps provide a public activity link and hence may not be used if that is the case.

Automatic run/ride data import: We support automatic import of your running/ride app data if you have connected your HDOR account with your Strava account from the Connected Apps section on website. If you do not use Strava app, many apps, GPS watches and websites allow exporting recorded activity to Strava, something you can explore and consider if you do not want to manually submit each run/ride data.

Multiple runs/rides in day: Are allowed, and each have to be submitted separately.

Combining GPS activities using tools: All submitted runs/rides must be a single recorded GPS activity. Multiple activities are not allowed to be combined into one activity using online tools and then submitted.

Public race data submission: You can also submit link to your finish timing from any public organized races (like Mumbai Marathon, etc) which use timing chip and have your event results online on a unique page with a unique URL or link. You can submit this using the manual entry data submission process.

Treadmill runs: Treadmill runs recorded using GPS watches or apps and for which you have a public activity link which shows distance, time, pace, and splits will be acceptable for submission.

What distance do I need to run/ride?

Registered for 3 km run : 3+ km to less than 5 km

Registered for 5 km run : 5+ km to less than 10 km

Registered for 10 km run : 10+ km to less than 21 km

Registered for Half Marathon run: 21+ km to less than 42 km

Registered for 10 km ride : 10+ km to less than 25 km

Registered for 25 km ride : 25+ km to less than 50 km

Registered for 50 km ride : 50+ km to less than 100 km

Registered for 100 km ride: 100+ km

Can I run the race distance multiple times?

Participants are free to attempt the registered race distance multiple times during the event duration. The best recorded time will be considered for final results.

Do I need to run the exact race distance?

Participants must ensure that they run the minimum distance for the registered event distance. For example, for running 5 km, participants must have at least 5 km recorded as part of their activity link.

It is advisable to run/ride a little extra (approx 5% extra distance) to ensure that the distance your app or device saves is at least equal to event distance (apps occasionally reduce distance when saving, or when exporting data from one app to another, example from Garmin Connect app to Strava).

For all participants, we will extrapolate the recorded distance to the actual race distance (reduce/increase the finish time proportionally to make it equivalent to the event distance). So if you run more, we will adjust your finish time accordingly.

Any runs reported of distance less than the registered distance will not be considered. Event organizers will not be responsible for any GPS app or device issues for the participants device.

All runs are to be done as per a person’s own capability without the use of any other vehicle or aid which may help with their finish times, just like in any physical event.

All rides are to be done as per a person’s own capability on a bicycle without the use of any other powered vehicle.

When will my Strava run data be imported?

Your run/ride will be available on our website within an hour of your activity data submission or post availability in your Strava account if you have connected your HDOR account to Strava.

If your activity data is not available in your account within one hour, please submit the activity link and run data manually via app or website.

How do I qualify as a finisher?

To qualify as a finisher, you are required to submit your run/ride data on our website in the form of a public GPS activity link (as per your race distance) from apps like Strava, Garmin Connect, Runkeeper, Endomondo, etc, or public link to your finish timing at any organized marathon race.

It is not necessary for you to take part in an organized race to submit your run data. A self-supported run which meets the above data submission criteria is enough.

Can my run/ride be disqualified?

Event organizers can reject any entry which has suspect GPS data (straight line outside normal run route, unrealistic high pace like sub 3 min/km pace at any time during run, etc). Similar rules apply for rides.

Event organizers have the right to take any decisions for disqualifying a participant if the participant is considered to have taken any external help in running the distance (like using a cycle or any other vehicle) or cheated in any way. Similar rules apply for rides.

Should I submit elapsed or moving time?

When submitting run/ride data for a virtual series event manually on our website or via the mobile app, you must submit the elapsed time data for your activity. Moving time will not be considered.

When we import data from other apps like Strava, we similarly consider elapsed time for a participant’s finish time.

Our Other Popular Events

As part of HDOR Fitness platform, we have many interesting events you can participate in from our Virtual Run Series and our Fitness Challenges