Check out some of the most interesting stories shared by our HDOR participants on their fitness journey, and how HDOR events and challenges have helped them achieve the change.
I run because I love to challenge myself and to compete sometimes. I enjoy it when my body is functioning optimally. Running keeps me fit and healthy all the time......
நூறு நாள் ஓட்டக்காரர்களுக்கு என்னுடைய முதல் வணக்கம். கடந்த ஆண்டு ஜனவரி 2019 லில் தான் என்னுடைய முதல் ஓட்டம் 5கிலோமீட்டர் திருப்பூர் மாரத்தான் போட்டியில் தான் தொடங்கினேன், அதன் பிறகு 3 மாரத்தான் போட்டியில் கலந்து கொண்டேன். பிறகு உங்கள்......
Salt Lake Runners is one of the oldest running group of the city of Joy Kolkata formed in 2012. We have more than 160 active runners across the city from......
Triders is an enthusiastic fitness group based out of the Hyderabad and encourage people to do some kind of activity in their busy schedules (it can be running/cycling/Swimming or any......
Royal Rajasthan Runners is a group of young, enthusiastic, energetic runners from different walks of life who are united because of their common passion for being fit. Group motive is......
Bharat runners Group is a Mumbai based vibrant Marathon Group which is now famous all over India. Mr Vrajesh Parikh and Sandeep Singh founded the Group on 11th April 2019.......
First in the series of HDOR Legends is Aditi Hazarika who was introduced to ‘100 Days of Running’ by her friend and the torchbearer of HDOR, Irina Barua in the......
The concept of joining the 100 days run was initiated by our Company’s Director – Mr Pradip Patel. A fitness enthusiast, it is his total involvement that has motivated employees......
Fit Swaggers Goa was founded in 2018 and within a short time we have become 250+ runners in Goa. We conduct virtual monthly 100 km to 500 km running and......