I have been running since May 2018 and credit goes to my elder brother Suresh. I was very lazy before that and did only easy walks. I could never run but my brother motivated and introduced me to the “100 Days of Running” platform and got me to register for the same in the year 2018. For the initial 13 days, I could not run, but my brother motivated me to run. With his motivation, I ran continuously after that and finished the event with 2318 km. After joining this event, I got proper training and proper platform for running.
Initially, I used to run at a slow pace because I did not have any idea about running, stretching, pace or anything. Slowly things started building up, and it took me approximately one and a half years to reach where I am today. During the “100 Days of Running” I also did FM in the “Jaipur Hot Marathon” event where my timing was 4:14:00 hours. Looking at my timing, my coach, Ajay Singh Ji felt that I could improve my timing further. He coached me and guided me about running, stretching and diet because of which within one month I participated in AFMC Pune Marathon where my timing was 3:37:00 hours.
Following this, my Coach told me that I should target an event named the “Boston Marathon” where the qualifying time required was 3:00:00 hours and he advised me to start training for it.
I set my mind on my target. I also set my ADHM 2018 target at 1:30:00 hours and finished in 1:27:00 hours. I next targeted TMM 2019, but during that time, I had an injury and had to back out from my training. But ultimately I participated in the event and completed it in 3:30:00 hours.
I then did IDBI Delhi 2019 in 3:13:00 hours and continued my training but again had rib fracture. I had TCSW 10k in Bangalore three days later. Though I was in pain I participated in the event and completed the 10k in 42 minutes. After that, I targeted only FMs and when in 2019 I again participated in AFMC Marathon, I finished in 3:13:00 hours in a totally elevated route.
I was determined to qualify for the Boston Marathon in the next two events, TMM and IDBI, and so I started my training. I am a teacher by profession, and since in the mornings and evenings I had classes, I would go for my practice around 12 in the noon to the Polo Ground in Jaipur. I would train there till 3 o clock and then again return back to my classes.
But in December I once again had strain injury in my tendons which was quite painful and I could not even walk. It took me around 15 days to recover and be back in form to resume practice. During this time I lost valuable practice time and could not train properly for TMM. But I went with a strong mindset and completed with my best timing 3:00:33 hours but missed my qualifying time by 33 seconds. The reason was that even though my body was responding well and my training had been good, but during the event, after 36 km on Peddar Road, there was overcrowding of the runners and I lost time since I did not get free road and so could not make up.
After one month, in February 2020, I participated in IDBI Delhi Marathon. I completed with timing of 2:58:43 hours and qualified for the Boston Marathon.
I was very happy because this was my life’s greatest achievement. I had targeted it and had worked hard and devoted 100% of myself. It was not easy for me, because along with being a teacher, I had to practice full time with all my effort. Family and financial support were also crucial. But despite everything I qualified for the Boston Marathon.
After the IDBI Marathon, during Lockdown, I also completed the Pink City Runners “Fitness Challenge” and completed 1010.10 km from 11-31 May 2020 (21 days). I also did indoor running and completed my first 50k run on 26th April.
I want to say that the hard work that I did for one and half month credit goes to “100 Days of Running” which gave me a platform for starting my run. The biggest credit goes to my brother, without whose support running would not have been possible. Secondly, I would like to give credit to Ajay Singh Sir, because he gave me correct guidance and introduced me to such things as Marathon, speed training and Boston.
Today I have reached this place – from a lazy walker to a Boston qualifier. Whereas many take years to qualify for the event, I took only a year and a half. This was because of my commitment and my hard work which have brought me to where I am today.
Mahesh Dwivedi
July 24, 2020 12:32 pmThanks #hdor team for my story
Renu Singh
July 25, 2020 7:18 pmI truly agree that he.. Mahesh is a legend as I have seen his journey, his dedication, his struggle and his discipline for running and achieving what he decided and wanted to qualify. I am very proud to have such a dedicated nice human being as a mentor and a friend who is always ready to help and guide whenever u need a guidance.
I wish him all the very best for his future and success.