Krishan Gopal Malu – HDOR 2019 transformed me into a completely different me. I was so determined that instead of 6 days working, I ran every day. I sometimes woke up as early as 3 o’clock to finish my scheduled half marathon. I enjoyed running every single day for 100 days continuously and also received many compliments when I got back in shape. During 100 days I did my personal best as below:-

# 1317 Km Run in 100 Days.

# Second Rank in Vadodara City

# My First Barefoot Half Marathon

# My First 30 Km Run

# My First Full Marathon

I am very eager to participate second time in HDOR 2020 edition.

Payal Krishangopal Malu – I participated in 100 Days of Running for the very first time in Pinkathon Challenge from 24 August- 2 December 2019. I ran a minimum 3 km daily for 100 consecutive days and this kick-start made me feel stronger and disciplined towards my personal fitness, which had never been realized so far. While these 100 days there had been situations when I had to travel due to my professional and personal commitments, but I did not miss running even a single day.

I completed the 100 Days of Streak with 609 Km of Running. This had made me more consistent and determined to continue running to stay fit.

It’s no secret that Krishan and I love to run. We don’t run the same amounts, the same pace, or at the same times most days but it’s always been something that we have in common. His regularity influenced me to adopt running and hence I too joined the league from last 2 year with him. We both try to find a way to be a part of each other’s running whenever possible.

I am participating for the first time in HDOR 2020 edition. We both are very excited for HDOR 2020 challenge.

This is our short and sweet inspiring story as a couple runners. We hope to inspire more runners worldwide through our running journey.