What is HDOR?
HDOR is a virtual fitness platform. We host virtual running and cycling events and challenges on our website hdor.com. Participants register online for our events and complete their respective event activity on their own at their convenience. This is unlike physical events which require people to reach a fixed venue to participate.
Being a virtual event, we have no such restriction and participants of our events can run/ride at any place of their choice, be it on the roads near their home, inside a local park, to work, basically wherever it is most convenient for them. The activity data must be recorded using a mobile fitness app like Strava, Runkeeper, Endomondo etc or using a GPS watch.
What are virtual events and challenges?
Virtual events do not require you to complete your fitness activity at a fixed pre-announced location for the event. You are free to choose any location which is convenient for you to take part in these events, and submit activity data online. This is unlike physical events which require you to be at a definite location at a specified date and time to take part.
What are the types of virtual events and challenges available on HDOR platform?
HDOR platform has multiple types of run and ride events.
1. Virtual Runs and Rides – these events have a short event duration window spanning usually a week where the participants are expected to run their registered distance minimum once. Example, the new year Resolution Run spans from Jan 1st to Jan 7th. If participants submit multiple runs, only the fastest is considered.
2. Virtual Challenges – these are longer duration challenges, some spanning a month, an year, or 100 days as in case of 100 Days of Running challenge. Participants are required to meet the finisher criteria as per the rules of the respective events.
Are you new to HDOR platform?
Please visit this link for new user guidance and help.
What mobile apps should I use for submitting proof of my activity?
Read our supported apps article for list of all supported apps and their download links.
You may use any mobile fitness app which has following details of your activity available as publicly visible data which rest of the participants should also be able to see (it should not be a private activity)
– activity distance
– activity pace
– activity km or mile splits
– activity map
Also, your fitness app should be able to share all the above info as a public activity link or URL which anyone can click to open and view those details.
Some of the supported apps include Strava, Runkeeper, Endomondo, MapMyRun, MapMyRide.
Some apps do not support sharing of public activity data in the form of a link and are hence unsupported. Examples of such apps are Nike Run Club, Runtastic, Apple Health, Fitbit, Amazfit. Some such apps however support export of the activity data to other apps like Strava, in which case you will require setting up such export and then submitting the exported Strava data.
How do I submit my activity data on HDOR platform?
To submit your run or ride activity data, please follow the following steps:
A. Using computer or mobile browser
1. Login to HDOR platform at hdor.com using the login credentials emailed to you after you register (check your spam folder if you did not receive this email or contact support@hdor.com for same).
2. Click on the + Activity menu link in the website header (on mobile browser, this would be within the menu section accessible by clicking the menu icon represented with three small horizontal lines on top of the page).
3. Fill in the activity details along with the activity link (copy or share from your mobile app or website)
B. Using the HDOR mobile app
1. Download and install HDOR mobile app from the Google Play Store
2. Login to the app using your login credentials
3. Click on the big + icon on the bottom section of the app to submit your run details.
C. Setup automatic Strava import
If you have your fitness data on Strava, you can easily connect your Strava account to your HDOR account. Data for any runs or rides after you connect your Strava account will be imported automatically to your HDOR account (subject to some conditions).
Can I participate in virtual events without using a mobile device or GPS watch?
Yes, you can participate in 100 Days of Running 2020 without these but without valid proof in the form of a public activity link, you can submit a maximum daily distance of 5 km.
You may be able to participate in some of the virtual events, but most of our events require you to submit your activity data using supported mobile apps or using activity data recorded by a GPS watch.
To find out if a specific event allows participation without activity data proof, please visit respective event page. For events where this is allowed, we still have limits on how much maximum distance participants can submit without activity proof, usually the allowed distance in such cases is very low.
Any submitted data without activity proof in the form of valid activity link from mobile app or GPS watch will NOT be considered towards public leaderboard. It will however show in your personal run logs and dashboard, and you will be considered an official event finisher based on meeting the specific finisher requirements for the respective event.
I submitted activity data without proof, will it be counted towards my event leaderboard?
For 100 Days of Running 2020, any submitted data will be considered for the event leaderboard.
No, any submitted data without activity proof in the form of valid activity link from mobile app or GPS watch will NOT be considered towards public leaderboard. It will however show in your personal run logs and dashboard, and you will be considered an official event finisher based on meeting the specific finisher requirements for the respective event.
If you submit some activity data with proof and some without proof, only those activities with data proof will be considered for public leaderboards
Can I run/ride multiple times a day for an event?
You can run or ride multiple times a day. However, some events on HDOR platform may have event specific restrictions on how many runs or rides a day will be considered for the purpose of the leaderboard.
Can I walk instead of running for a specific run event?
We allow participants to mix running and walking. In fact, we recommend running challenge participants to take a couple of rest days as their recovery days by walking the minimum distance required if any as part of any specific event rules (like the requirement to run daily a minimum distance of 1 km for 100 Days of Running 2020). However, we have setup a minimum pace requirement for your walks, it should be average 20 mins/km or faster to be considered for the event.
Where can I download HDOR mobile app?
Download HDOR app: iOS | Android