The common perception of running is that it’s a simple process. It seems as easy as purchasing some shoes and going for a sprint, right? You must be familiar with this misleading perception if you are a beginner. But even if it’s a hobby or a rigorous training routine, there are certain measures you need to take. Avoiding these can lead to severe injuries like muscle tears, shin splints and so on. 

1. Beginning too quickly
When you’re a beginner, it’s common to feel over-enthusiastic about your new running routine. But your over-ambitious targets can lead to you being over-exhausted on the first day itself. The next day, you may feel an urge to hit the ground, but your muscles, ligaments, or joints may refuse since you over-exerted yourself.

How to fix it: Take it slow, don’t rush into running by keeping a km per hour goal on the very first day. You don’t have to achieve any running milestones on your very first day. Keep realistic, gradual targets and remove the pressure you put on yourself to exceed your goal.

2. Wrong running method

The most common mistake every runner makes is ‘dragging’ their feet. The lower back muscles get too much attention when you drag your feet. But these are not the muscles that usually help in running. The focus should be on the hamstrings muscles as these develop force while running. Similarly, maintaining your body movement also matters while running. Your motion of hands while running might be habitually to move your arms from side to side, but it can cause breathlessness. Make a  note that keeping your hands folded while running creates tension and pressure in your body. 

How to fix it – The correct body posture while running will be keeping your shoulders above your hips and bending your arms at 90 degrees. 

3.  Wrong Shoes 

Do you purchase your running shoes only looking at the aesthetic appeal? Selecting shoes based on your preferred colour is common, but you should also check if it has the appropriate support. Wrong shoes can make you susceptible to many injuries like knee or back pain. 

How to fix it: Approach a store specialising in running equipment, and you will receive the appropriate recommendations. You should also make sure to replace them after you complete 300 – 350 miles. 

4) Improper hydration 
The importance of drinking water while going for runs has to be stressed more. While running, your body heats up and cools down by sweating. But it also drains water and electrolytes out of your system leading to dehydration.  

How to fix it: Ensure you carry enough fluids and drink them throughout the day to keep your body energised. Drinking it all at once is not advisable. 
HDOR is a virtual running platform for beginners, regular runners to fitness lovers. Since 2015, they have organised several events and have helped several people achieve their fitness goals. Join in, be part of various running challenges, and lead a more active lifestyle.